Behind The Lens at CCSA

The human fascination of documenting their lives through pictures is not unknown. Look through your history books and you will reckon with the fact that every watershed historic event has been captured through the lens. When there were no cameras, skilled painters and artists were given the responsibility to recreate reality on the canvas. Haven’t we all seen life sized portraits of Kings, Queens and even Prime Ministers when the modern camera was not invented? Fast forward to today and you will see everyone, everywhere carrying their own personal cameras in their pockets! This fascination with pictures has only increased and today we live in a time where there are dedicated apps like Instagram solely for the intent of sharing pictures.

But make no mistake, with the evolution of the modern camera, photography is a highly valued skill in todays time. Can you imagine anything without pictures? Right from the moment you step out, you see hoardings, buses, signs – everything to do with photography. It has undoubtedly become an integral part of human life today. There is a Pulitzer Prize for photography! So do not confuse photography with just a hobby, it is a serious artistic and creative endeavor. It enables you to capture reality through the lens and present it in an aesthetically appealing manner. Moreover, it is a great stress reliever. When you see the wonders of nature through your lens and capture them, you see beauty around you and the vastness of what mother earth has bestowed on us. It can be a humbling and spiritual experience. Photography is a great skill for children as well as it inspires imagination and creativity. Psychologists point out that photographs and pictures play a pivotal role in developing qualities like empathy and gratitude as it is easier for children to learn through pictorial representations than through mere words. It enables you to express yourself in multiple ways through your pictures and can be an inspiring and wholesome creative pursuit; allowing you to explore reality from differing perspectives.

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Photography is not just pushing a button; it is creating an immortal experience which will go on to tell a hundred stories. At CCSA, we are passionate about photography and offer photography classes for children and teens from 7 to 17 years in various batches. Adult photography classes are also available as we realize that photography is a skill that is in high demand and this field projects a positive employment growth in future. Immerse yourself in a visually delightful yet challenging experience with CCSA’s photography classes! You will not only learn the basics of photography like exposure and lighting but also be trained in technical aspect of the art such as adobe lightroom and adobe photoshop. Students will be encouraged to take photographs as we believe nothing beats practical learning; and develop their niche and style. Another exciting facet is that students will also have the chance to showcase their work online on our website and at the CCSA gallery. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get the cameras rolling!