To us, cartooning is one of the best areas of art in which our students can develop their skills in drawing, painting, illustration and narrating simultaneously. In other words, they can experience a variety of artistic skills in our cartooning classes. Therefore, we take a special approach to teach cartooning to our students by showing them how they can become wonderful artists in case they use our unique cartooning techniques. The basic components of our classes usually include learning about scene and location, character and characterization, time and sequence, voices in a story, points of view and narrative resolution. Moreover, individual learning styles and creativity are among the most important factors we take into account in developing and implementing our cartooning classes. In other words, although we equip our students with adequate techniques for developing phenomenal cartoons, we do not expect them to sacrifice their creativity at the expense cartooning based on specific models and structures.


Student Gallery


In Person_Standard_Banner.jpg


Age 6-8

Having learned the process of creating narratives and basic artistic practice, students in this class will become more involved in developing their cartooning skills. The instructor will lead students through the conceptualization process, teaching them how to develop a story that will become a cartoon. Students will learn scene and location, character and characterization, time and sequence, voice, point of view, and narrative resolution. The class provides hands-on experience applicable to writing fiction, creating animations, filmmaking, and non-fictional pursuits such as news reporting.



Age 9-12

Students will take a more advanced approach for this class that will break down a cartoon into components. The instructor will encourage students to develop exciting and well-executed cartooning projects while strengthening their drawing, painting and illustration skills. The class provides hands-on experience applicable to writing fiction, creating animations, filmmaking, and non-fictional pursuits such as news reporting.



Age 7-9

This online class will teach students how to develop their cartooning skills. Students will learn the process of conceptualizing stories and how to break the narrative into parts to create an exciting and well-developed story - this includes learning how to establish scene and location, character and characterization, time and sequence, voice, point of view, and narrative resolution. The class provides hands-on experience applicable to writing fiction, creating animations, filmmaking, and non-fictional pursuits such as news reporting.

What You Will Need: Computer, Internet access, Paper, Pencil, Colored Pencils, Eraser and Complementary materials.

*Not offering currently



Age 10-12

This online class will incorporate a more advanced approach to teaching students cartooning. The students will break down a story into segments, with a focus on creative exploration and discovery. Students will also strengthen their drawing, painting and illustration skills while developing their cartooning projects. The class provides hands-on experience applicable to writing fiction, creating animations, filmmaking, and non-fictional pursuits such as news reporting.

What You Will Need: Computer, Internet access, Paper, Pencil, Colored Pencils, Eraser and Complementary materials.

*Not offering currently




Age 13-17

This online class is for our teen students interested in pursuing a career in the illustrative arts or developing their skills to an advanced level. Students will learn scene and location, character and characterization, time and sequence, voice, point of view, and narrative resolution. The instructor will guide the students through their hands-on projects and provide critical feedback during all stages of the creative process. They will have the opportunity to showcase their work in the CCSA's virtual exhibition, held seasonally. 

What You Will Need: Computer, Internet access, Paper, Pencil, Colored Pencils, Eraser and Complementary materials. 

*Not offering currently

