Creative Writing

Undoubtedly, one key skill kids and teens need for future academic and professional success is communication! That's why CCSA is proud to offer in-person and online writing courses taught by professional creative writers. Our skilled instructors will help guide students through various writing exercises and assignments, which will improve their reading, writing, speaking and listening abilities. These specially designed classes encourage students to develop their creative and critical thinking, self-confidence and self-expression. Having sharper and more refined communicative skills will not go unnoticed in the student's work and will inevitably benefit them for years to come! 

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Creative Writing

Age 7-10

This creative writing class is designed to help students learn the fundamental elements of crafting a well-structured and interesting story. Students will learn how to develop a multi-dimensional character, a setting using time and location, a theme, well-structured dialogue and more. Students will also be given guidance as they go, with the instructor providing written and verbal feedback throughout the semester. During class time, students will be invited to share their work with the class, and will be encouraged to give their peers feedback on their work.

Creative Writing

Age 11+

The purpose of this creative writing class is helping students learn the key parts of story in advanced level. Our instructors will teach the fundamentals of storytelling, themes of a story, how to develop characters’ viewpoints, writing dialogue, understanding the different genres etc. Students have weekly assignments which allow them to practice and develop their works during the week. Moreover, students will have a final project, a short story, in which they can implement all the techniques they acquired in this class.


Creative Writing

Age 7-10

The essential elements of developing a story are discussed in this course. The instructor will teach students the differences between a short story and a long story, character development, rising action, conflict and resolution and more. Students will be encouraged to develop pieces weekly to help them understand the processes involved in creative writing. A final project will be assigned, allowing them to implement the lessons they learned throughout the course. 

Creative Writing

Age 11+

This online class provides an opportunity for students to learn additional writing techniques, such as developing heroes and villains, fantasy writing, creating well-rounded and interesting characters, the importance of plot and more. Students will be encouraged to work on weekly writing assignments furthering their understanding of the medium. A final project will be assigned, allowing them to implement the lessons they learned throughout the course.

