
Impressionism is a style of painting that has captivated audiences around the world since its inception in the late 19th century. Impressionism is characterized by its use of light and bold colors to create an atmosphere of movement and emotion. It is an artistic style that has influenced countless other art forms and has been adopted by many of today’s most popular painters.

Impressionism is based on the idea of capturing a moment in time. Instead of painting a static image, the Impressionists used color and light to create a sense of movement and emotion. They often used broken brushstrokes to suggest the passage of time and used light to create a dreamy, atmospheric effect. This style of painting was revolutionary in its time, and it has continued to inspire artists up to the present day.

One of the most famous Impressionist painters was Claude Monet. Monet’s paintings are often recognized for their use of light and color to create an atmosphere of movement and emotion. He was particularly noted for his paintings of landscapes, which he captured in a unique way by painting a series of scenes at different times of day. Monet’s work was influential in popularizing Impressionism and inspiring other painters to explore the style.

Impressionism is still popular today and its influence can be seen in many forms of art. From contemporary art to photography, the style of Impressionism is still seen in modern art. Its influence can also be seen in film, where its use of light and color to create atmosphere has been used to stunning effect. It is also seen in music, where its use of broken rhythms and tonality has been used to create an emotional and evocative sound.

Impressionism has had a lasting impact on the art world and continues to inspire artists to this day. Its use of light and color to create an atmosphere of movement and emotion has captivated audiences around the world.

CCSA has come up with a wonderful opportunity for art enthusiasts this spring. We are offering 8 weeks of special impressionist workshop for adults. Click here to know more.